A Better Journey: 8 New Things to Try on Your Next Trip

Make this the best one yet.
by | November 04, 2016

You can fight it as valiantly as you want, but after your Nth bus ride or plane trip, everything kind of melts into one messy memory of being in transit. But just how do we shake off this static and make every trip extraordinary in documented memories?

Go for video

Why settle for boring old photos? Next time you jump on a bus or place, make a silent pact not to take any stills and take videos instead. This way, you can stitch them all together afterwards—not only will it serve as a great testament to the experience, but you’ll get a chance to capture specific moments that you might otherwise forget.

Take a book with you

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Some people make it a habit to bring a book with them to cut down on screen time and kill the tedious hours of being in transit, but take it up a notch and bring a book that will lend to the experience. Why not grab The Beach by Alex Garland to Thailand? Big Sur by Jack Kerouac to California?

Ditch the itinerary

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Satisfy your wanderlust and be impulsive for once! Take advantage of the next long weekend and head over to the nearest bus terminal for a quick trip with your best travel buddy; pick a destination that suits you and embrace the new and unexpected experiences it has to offer.

Try a hostel

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We’ve all heard horror stories (and never mind the Eli Roth movies), but is staying at a hostel really that bad? Before you judge, try it out for yourself. Just be sure to go into your stay with an open mind. Who knows? You might head back home with great stories and a new group of friends!

Whip out your journal


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Apart from photos, videos and your own memories, chronicle your adventures by taking the time out to write about them. It’s doesn’t have to be award-winning poetry or prose—just a line or two will do, about how you felt about the place, your favorite thing about it, or an anecdote about something that happened. Trust us—you’ll smile when you read them in a few years.

Forget the soundtrip

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Now, we’re not going to suggest anything crazy like heading out of town without your phone (which, let’s be honest, is your lifeline in case of emergency). No, just hear us out—or rather, listen in general. Too often we miss out on fully immersing ourselves in the travel experience by plugging into our music. Sure, it passes the time, but it also takes your focus away. Unplug and be alone with your thoughts.

Bring aid and charity goods

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Mix your fun with a little charity by bringing aid and goods along with your gear. Sure, your backpack will be a little heavier, but your heart will be so much lighter for it. Upcycle items from your closet to give less fortunate locals, bring a few toys for kids you encounter along the way, or simply make an extra sandwich for a weary fellow traveler. There’s no telling who you’ll meet, so don’t pass up the chance to make a stranger’s day.

Go alone

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There are so many reasons to experience travelling alone at least once in your life—but what you’ll learn about yourself is more than enough reason to try it out. You might really like the version of yourself you’ll meet on your trip, so go for it!

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