A Day by the Bay: Postcards from San Francisco

Take a walk in these streets, vicariously for now.
by | July 01, 2019

There are a lot of beautiful cities around the world. London, Hong Kong, and New York are all fantastic tourist spots to visit. Each one has its own allure and its share of charms. And going to these cities will always be a wonderful experience. But of all the foreign cities I have been in, only one truly felt like home…San Francisco.

At the western coast of the United States you’ll find one of the most beautiful cities of the world. And that’s not just my opinion. Even at the airport you will see signs and hear ads coming from the PA system that welcomes you ‘one of the most beautiful cities in the world’. It didn’t take long for me after that to believe that it was true. My wife’s family lives there and I fell in love with it instantly. Let’s check out some of the most fantastic places you’ll see in the Bay.

The Golden Gate Bridge

Of course we start with the main star of the show. The Golden gate bridge is the most iconic landmark in all of San Francisco. Make no mistake though, it isn’t actually painted gold. The name comes from the flora around it that gives off a golden sheen. Make the trip across the bridge. It will be one of the most breathtaking walks you will ever have. It’s a good two kilometers well-spent. Don’t forget your jacket though, it is really cold up there despite the sunny day.


Palace of Fine Arts

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