Thinking of Relocating? Here Are the World’s Best Cities to Live In, According to 2020 Data

With everything that's happened this year, we won't blame you for wanting a long-term change in scenery.
by | November 19, 2020

This year has been nothing but a huge headache, with the pandemic wrecking our plans, restricting travel, and keeping us holed up at home. That being said, Global Finance just released this year’s best cities to live in. The ranking was based on economic strength; research and development; cultural interaction; livability; environment; accessibility; GDP per capita (nominal in USD); and COVID-19 deaths per million for the country.

Just in case you want to migrate in the future, you may want to check this list out.


8. Seoul, South Korea

The land of modern buildings and amazing technological advancements. South Korea has been the standard of proper COVID-19 response. The country was able to control the cases without needing to impose massive lockdowns. The country is also known for its focus on research and economic growth.


7. Paris, France

One of the most popular places for tourists, Paris is known as the center of fashion and romance. While the city has often charted higher on this list, the city went down a few places because of the number of COVID-19 cases. France was one of the most affected countries when the Pandemic started.


6. Frankfurt, Germany

As one of the countries that had the lowest death rate in Europe, Frankfurt solidified its spot on the list. The city is also known for its strong economic performance Frankfurt has one of the highest GDP per capita of any city in Germany, at slightly over $106,000.


5. Melbourne, Australia

Australia is also known as one of the first countries that had a proper COVID-19 response. Melbourne is also looked upon for its rules regarding the environment. The city has implemented strict and aggressive targets for zero-carbon emissions.


4. New York City, USA


Now while New York city still ranks high on the list, we may note that the city struggled to contain the spread of COVID-19. However, because of its strong culture, and is known as the business capital of the world. It’s safe to say that people still want to live in New York.


3. Singapore, Republic of Singapore

As one of the richest countries in the world, Singapore is known for its fast-paced lifestyle and modern infrastructure. Singapore was also able to contain the number of COVID-19 cases despite having a second wave early this year.


2. London, United Kingdom

In terms of economy and culture, London ranked very high compared to other countries. However, with the rising cases of COVID-19, the city seemed to struggle with massive losses.

1. Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo ranked number one this year because of its stable economy. The country was also able to control the number of COVID-19 cases again without a lockdown!


Which of these cities do you want to live in? Share them below! 

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