Interesting Things are Bound to Happen on Flight Delays

Like, say, this #PlaneBreakup.
by | August 26, 2015

“This is the greatest plane delay I’ve ever had,” tweeted Kelly Keegan while aboard a delayed flight with a couple who just broke up. Keegan received the most amusing diversion from the otherwise annoying wait. This was all thanks to a couple near her that loudly expressed their anguished feelings. She generously shared that in-flight entertainment to her Twitter followers though epic live tweets.

Keegan was en route to New York when her US Airways flight from Raleigh, NC, to Washington, DC remained on the tarmac for around an hour because of bad weather. During the delay, a young couple nearby started arguing until eventually the man broke up with his sobbing girlfriend.

Just when everyone thought the breakup couldn’t get more interesting, the plot thickened. The kissing-driven-by-liquor scene was an unexpected conclusion to a breakup and a gripping start to another story. What happened to this couple after the plane landed? According to Keegan, “hopefully, they ended up working things out.”

Keegan’s tweets went viral and earned her 2,000 additional followers just 30 minutes after live tweeting. That number of followers quadrupled by the end of the night. With the hashtag “#PlaneBreakup,” this issue even trended on Twitter.

Has anything interesting happened to you during a delayed flight? Pleeeease share it in the comments!

Shen Mascariñas travels mainly for the unique food each destination offers and for the "I'm on vacation" free pass to pig out.

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