Here are the Best Philippine Promotional Videos Released in 2017
It's been a great year for local tourism.
by Kyzia Maramara | December 19, 2017
If this video doesn’t make you want to visit the Philippines, then I quit.
Almost every video I saw about the Philippines was about the islands. That’s too shallow and easy. So I wanted to visit this country to make the best video on this country, and I think this is it.
You won’t see pretty girls on beaches in this video. You will see the real Philippines that I so fell in love with.
To show you how generous people are, I lived on $0.00 for a day.
To show you how cheap the place can be, we threw a party for an entire village.
To shed more light on poverty, we bought a 1,000 burgers to feed people.This is my best video to date made in my favorite country to date. I hope you enjoy watching like I enjoyed making.
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@NasDaily on Instagram too!!Posted by Nas Daily on Tuesday, March 7, 2017
There’s nothing like the feeling of pride knowing that a foreigner considers your country his favorite. He has grounds for it too! Nuseir Yassin, or Nas as he’s better known, documents his trips and adventures to different countries in 1-minute videos per day. But for the Philippines, he loved it so much he created an 8-minute video featuring our country for the 8 days he stayed.
In the video, you’ll get to witness everything the Philippines has to offer, from the breathtaking islands and bustling cities to the generosity of the Filipinos and how they’ll make you feel at home. The video also doesn’t omit the fact that the Philippines is also a victim of extreme poverty in some places.
As of this writing, the video has 19 million views and 390,000 shares.
Do you know other videos that showcased the beauty of our country? Share it with us!