7 Food Museums You Wouldn’t Believe Exist

One of them politely asks visitors, "please don't eat the exhibit."
by | July 11, 2017

“Thrice Baked Potato”, “Why Sure, You Can Bake Quiche in the Microwave”, “Free Standing Hot Apple Cider” – these are just some of the kitchen atrocities you will find in the Burnt Food Museum. Yes, such museum exists and you can find it in Arlington, Massachusetts. In operation for over two decades, The Burnt Food Museum showcases a wide array of culinary disasters that might just make you feel a bit better about your cooking skills.


Which one (two, or three) would you want to see? Share this with your friendly foodies!

Andy Flores is a pathological penny pincher with impulse shopping and binge-eating tendencies. She’s constantly saving up for new adventures, so she dabbles in writing jobs here and there. Her not-so-secret dream is to be an extra in a big Bollywood movie.

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