Ready for a Road Trip? 8 Most Haunted Roads in the Philippines

Go for a drive if you dare.
by | October 30, 2020

With lockdown restrictions being eased, it’s become easier to drive around different cities. Road trips are always a fun activity, especially when spent with good company and music, and it’s a safe way to have a break from life under quarantine. But would you dare see these haunted streets at night?


San Jose Village, Alabang

What’s scarier than living in a village that has been previously a cemetery? Dubbed as the “cursed village”, this village in the South is filled with stories of unexplained disturbances and sightings by its residents. This includes the headless priest seen on St. Joseph Street and white ladies at St. Bernadette and St. Clemence streets.


Concha Cruz Drive, BF Homes Parañaque

During the early ’80s, Concha Cruz Drive in BF Homes was a hotspot for teens looking for a good time. Residents and teens from neighboring villages would gather to share booze, play loud music, and watch drag racing. According to accounts, a black sedan would challenge a car passing by for a drag race only to reveal a dead couple on the driver and passenger seat. These are the souls of a couple who died from a drag race accident in the ’80s, and it’s their way of warning teens about the dangers of racing.


Balete Drive, Quezon City

Perhaps Balete Drive is one of the most famous haunted roads in the country, with several stories shared by taxi drivers. One famous account is a white lady that’s believed to have been killed on the road. Since her death, it’s said that she would try to hitch rides from passing cars. The road is famous for its line of Balete trees, which is the home of kapres, malignos, and dwendes in Philippine folklore.


Never-Ending Bridge, UP Los Baños

As if being located at the foot of the enchanting Mt. Makiling hasn’t given UPLB enough unexplained happenings, spirits are said to roam around the picturesque campus too. One is supposedly found at the Never-Ending Bridge near the Main Library. The bridge gets its nickname from the urban legend that says that if one were to cross it at midnight, you would never reach the end of it unless you wear your shirts inside-out. On this bridge, people would also see an apparition of a white lady and headless priest.

WATCH: 8List Explores: Urban Legends of UPLB


Malinta Tunnel, Corregidor Island


An old fortress that has seen the horrors of the Second World War is no exception for vengeful and wandering spirits. The entire Corregidor Island is believed to be haunted, with Malinta Tunnel’s 24 lateral tunnels as the hotspot for paranormal activities. There used to be pitch-black tour of the tunnel, giving tourists a chance to walk in the soldiers’ shoes. Are you willing to explore the tunnels in the dark?


Ligaya Drive, Talisay

If you want to avoid the endless traffic going to Tagaytay, you might’ve tried driving by Ligaya Drive.  Also dubbed as “bituka ng manok” by locals, the very steep road is full of hairpin turns, which can make driving challenging and dangerous. The view is rewarding during the daytime but it becomes dangerous and eerie at night. Some have seen a white lady in the center of the pitch-black road (leading to accidents), feeling the car suddenly getting heavier, and driving endlessly for hours unless passengers wear their shirts inside out. Maybe the tikbalang just wants to have fun?


Loakan Road, Baguio

Baguio is no stranger to all things paranormal as it’s the home of some of the most haunted places in the country, including the fallen Heritage Hotel, Teacher’s Camp, and White House. For those driving to the summer capital, you might meet an unexpected extra passenger while driving along Loakan Road. According to taxi drivers, a hitchhiker would ask to be driven to a location only to vanish afterward; some say she was a rape victim.


Nicanor Reyes Street, Manila

Students from the Far Eastern University-Manila might have heard of this story before. In 2000, a professor committed suicide by jumping from the seventh floor of the Nursing Building. People say she still haunts its corridors and makes appearances to pedestrians in Nicanor Street, standing looking from the windows of the spot where she took her life.


Have you heard of other haunted drives in the country or have you encountered a chilling experience in one? Share with us below!

When she’s not writing, Ina’s busy curating playlists that will save her when words don’t work, reading, annoying her cat, or thinking of her next meal.


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