It’s No Joke, it’s Really Windy in the Windy City

Living up to its name.
by | October 15, 2019

When you think of going to the US, there are some automatic destinations you just HAVE to visit. New York in the East Coast and LA and San Francisco on the other side. Luckily enough, I got the chance to visit all of these great cities last summer. What I didn’t expect was a quick side trip to Chicago! My wife’s best friend lives there now and we planned a few days to come over and say hi. I had ZERO complaints, there was only one place I knew and wanted to go to in the Windy City…United Center. So off we went!


They Don’t Call it the Windy City for Nuthin’

Take it from me it’s hella COLD in Chicago. Walking around the city during the day gave me the chills. Literal chills. I ran after every shred of sunlight just to make sure that I didn’t get cold. Cause once you’re in the shade, it gets icy. But don’t get me wrong. Chicago is a BEAUTIFUL city. Flowers line the streets and the mix of old and new design styles can clearly be seen in the structures and the buildings. Absolutely lovely.


The Chicago Bean

I honestly asked around, people don’t know why it’s called the ‘Bean’. But it sure is a famous tourist spot in the city. The bean is this stylized, shiny, silver…bean. The reflections on the smooth surfaces create fun picture-taking opportunities for both young and old. Take a hundred selfies, it’s worth it.



Michael Jordan and The United Center

The United Center is home to the Chicago Bulls. It is also where the world-famous Michael Jordan statue is located. I was NEVER not going to this place. Inside the stadium was the fabled Jumpman statue. Located beside it was the memorabilia store housing his signed jerseys, posters, photos, and other past and current Bulls merchandise. More than one friend asked for a Jordan jersey, they were all disappointed. Check the price.


It’s always a blessing to be able to go to new places and meet new people. Travelling broadens the mind and is food for the soul. See you on my next destination!


Which of these would you like to visit? Tell us below!

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