Life Lessons We Learned about Traveling in 2016: Planning Itineraries with Your Significant Other

It's not all selfies and hand-holding.
by | December 20, 2016

There’s nothing in life sweeter than having traveled across borders with someone you love. While it’s usually a point of envy among those who have yet to experience it, traveling with a significant other isn’t always picture perfect. It’s as wonderful as it is a pain, but when all is said and done, the memories you share will be treasured for life.

We’ve gathered a few anecdotes from those who have experience planning and going on trips with their significant others about the lessons they’ve learned in the process that may inspire you for your future romantic staycation/vacation.

“My SO and I collaborate in planning our itinerary for a trip. I look at top articles online while she gets referrals from locals or people who’ve been to the place. We both consolidate our plans afterwards. But the one thing I’ve learned when planning a trip with my significant other is… hindi siya natutupad. Pero most of the time, yung unplanned yung mas memorable.” – Ice Reyes, student

“Bring a big can of patience and a pack of jokes on the side because if it’s just the two of you traveling together, you are bound to fight at one point—whether it be about the location, the navigation itself, the stopovers, or whatnot. Use the pack of jokes properly to lighten the mood and patch things up so that you won’t end up traveling towards hell.” – Viel Vidal, freelance graphic designer

“Important na same wavelength kayo para walang disappointments and disagreements. We’re very loose in terms of itinerary. Usually we just have a hook or the main attraction of that destination tas pretty much chill na lang or spontaneous ‘pag sinipag. We both believe in our ‘andito na tayo, so sulitin na natin ito’ mantra.” – Nikko Pascua, art director

“Make sure you buy things you think you don’t need but actually do. I’m thankful na mahilig mag-hoard ng mga stuff yung girlfriend ko na sa tingin niya kailangan niya, lalo na ‘pag nasa trip. Magugulat na lang ako ‘pag may kailangan akong bagay, nabili na pala niya before.” – Mikee Rivera, web and software developer

“Traveling with someone tells you a lot about a relationship. Willing ba mag-commit sa long term plans? Can you guys agree on where to go and what to do when you get there? How to compromise on the things to do, budgeting your money wisely… Pero honestly, the most fun part of the trip is the long commute to and from. It can be the most boring part of the trip if you and your SO don’t enjoy long rides together. But to me it’s the most fun, because the long ride can bring out great conversations and hugs!” – Benj David, student

“Pool your money and have a travel wallet before the trip. No need to keep track on who pays what then at the end, just split what’s left!” – Ica Ducanes, senior marketing associate

“The road trip playlist is always important! Coordinate with your SO on what songs and albums you should play during your trip. It just helps keep you awake especially if you’re the one driving.” – Clyde V., freelance writer

“I’ve learned that she’s not as organized as I am when it comes to packing her luggage. I’ve learned that she’d rather sleep through the long ride than engage in conversation or listen to music together. We’re different. We don’t always see eye to eye. Traveling with my SO taught me how to compromise but more importantly, how to take care of her in the best way I can. Clutter monster? Pull a few tricks to help her. Heavy sleeper? Willingly be a human pillow. A relationship isn’t at all about similarities. It’s how you fill in the spaces and complement each other.” – Jurist de Guzman, fresh graduate

Pag nag ta-travel kami, more on bonding na rin namin. Mas nagiging strong yung bond namin as a couple. Sabay namin nae-explore yung different kinds of culture, history, at way of living ng mga places na napuntahan namin. Natutunan din namin makasalamuha sa iba’t ibang klaseng lahi.” – Carla Mae Sumajit, student

“We don’t really have any problems when we travel together and I think it’s because we’re complete opposites. I’m usually unprepared and she makes up for it because she’s more organized. And she’s not very good at taking pictures and I’m better at that so we never leave a place without having a good photo. So I think it boils down to just maximizing each other’s strengths. Also, when the other person starts getting angry, try to keep your mouth shut and just look for some good food because that usually solves everything.” – Ces Arriola, law student

What tips and lessons do you want to share about traveling with your significant other? Sound off below!

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