LOOK: These Countries Are Reopening for International Tourists

Looking forward to international travel?
by | July 03, 2020

While most countries worldwide stay shut to contain the coronavirus, some countries have begun easing travel restrictions and allowing entry for international tourists. But that doesn’t mean travel protocols won’t be followed. Some countries require 14-day quarantines upon arrival while others would start requiring visitors for a $3000 deposit like Cambodia. Debating about booking that flight? Check out these countries that are starting to reopen for international tourists:



Italy – June 3

Countries Reopening for International Tourists

Italy is one of the first European countries to reopen its borders. However, only tourists from the E.U, Monaco, and the United Kingdom are allowed entry.


Austria – Early June

Countries Reopening for International Tourists

Austria opened its borders for neighboring countries except for Italy. For now, only tourists from the Schengen area are allowed entry, and guests must do 14-day quarantine or provide a COVID-19 test that’s less than four days old, showing negative results.


United Kingdom – June 8

Countries Reopening for International Tourists

via Pxhere

Tourists are required to submit a form with travel and contact details and are required to do 14-day self-isolation before traveling.


France and Germany – June 15

Countries Reopening for International Tourists

via Flickr

Tourists coming from the United Kingdom are required to do 14-day quarantine.


Greece – June 15

Greece is allowing entry for tourists from the E.U., Japan, Israel, China, New Zealand, and other countries that have contained the virus. The government released a list for 29 countries that do not require mandatory testing and quarantine. On the other hand, those not included in the list would have to follow the measures with up to 14 days of self-isolation.


European Union – July 1

The European Union, as a bloc, has allowed entry from tourists outside the Schengen area. They have approved 14 countries for travel including South Korea, New Zealand, Japan, Morocco, and Thailand.



Egypt – July 1

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Egypt has begun welcoming international tourists again, after imposing a three-month travel ban on international flights. The country is opening its seaside hotspots like the Red Sea province, Sinai, and Marsa Matrouh to tourists who have scheduled flights beginning July 1. Fortunately, these spots that bring revenue for the country’s tourism are among the least affected areas in Egypt.

Restrictions for domestic travel in Africa have begun to ease but foreign tourists are still banned from visiting hotspots like South Africa, Kenya, and Botswana.



According to the Japan Times, Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering making exceptions to its entry ban for countries like New Zealand, Vietnam, Thailand, and Australia. However, these are only exclusive for businesspeople and foreign residents. Included in the country’s basic plan is placing GPS data on visitors’ phones for contact tracing.

Taiwan has also opened its borders but only exclusive for business purposes.


Dubai – July 7

Dubai will begin reopening for both leisure and business travel on July 7. Tourists are required to submit a certification on negative COVID-19 test results or have to undergo testing at Dubai airports and provide a Health Declaration Form and international health insurance.


Maldives – July 15

Starting July 15, Maldives will open both inhabited and uninhabited islands for international tourists to staying in hotels, resorts, and leisure spots. They have lenient guidelines but tourists who may have COVID-19 symptoms are required to take a swab test.


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When she’s not writing, Ina’s busy curating playlists that will save her when words don’t work, reading, annoying her cat, or thinking of her next meal.

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