Making it to Maldives: Tips, Tricks, and Inspiration

The lowdown for one of the world's most-coveted island destinations.
by | April 19, 2016

For most of us, our travel bucket lists are comprised of places unattainable—the ones we could only afford after a lifetime of savings, the ones we only visit in our wildest fever dreams.

But then again, it’s always a matter of how badly you want something and how hard you’re willing to work for it. For some, the Maldives is a well-planned trip away. Tuck this into your back pocket for when the day finally arrives.

Money Matters

Part of the charm of the Maldives is its seclusion, its untainted beauty. Most food and drinks have to be brought in to the islands before getting distributed to the resorts and finally to you—making the luxury travel price tag heftier compared to other places. Be prepared to pay an extra 10% for service charge and 8% or more for their Goods and Services Tax; these apply to everything from goods to services.

The Cost of Connectivity

You’re on vacation to relax, unwind and leave reality well behind you—but can you really keep yourself from not posting about paradise on social media? Disconnecting could be good for you, but if you need to get online, don’t assume that a luxury resort includes the luxury of free Wi-Fi. While some resorts do offer free connectivity, prices at others can go up to USD $150 per week or USD $ 8-10 per day—whatever the case may be, it’s still pretty pricy. Don’t expect to be able to get up to torrent speeds either.

Seasonal Sun

No one posts photos of paradise where it isn’t basking in gorgeous sunlight. Don’t be misled—the summer season and monsoon seasons may seem pretty straight forward, but the weather can get complicated out in tropical waters. Don’t expect sun on every day of your vacation; conversely, don’t expect to have clouds and rain if you’re there during the wet months. You can read up on the local weather here.

Quality, Not Quantity

Too much of a good thing can get really old really fast. You chose Maldives to treat yourself, not to live like a backpacker. Opt for a shorter stay—splurge on luxury rather cheat yourself of romance on cheaper accommodations that will have you spending more on boat transfers to the next available resort.

One is to an Island


Unlike with most island destinations, expect to spend a lot of time at your resort. All the more reason to choose one wisely. The Maldives works on a one is to island ratio; that is, one resort is to an island. Don’t expect to be able to hop on a boat easily (or on the cheap) to get to a destination that has better snorkeling, sweeter swell or more activities. Choose a resort that offers all the activities on your To-Do List to make your stay the one you’ve always dreamt of.

A photo posted by kobechanel (@kobechanel) on

Any other tips for traveling to Maldives? Post them in the comments!

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