7 Money Challenges That Will Help You Fund Your Dream Trip

Are you going to hit your travel goals this year?
by | July 04, 2017

We’re halfway through 2017!

How are your travel funds so far? Have you finally hit the money goals you set at the beginning of the year or do you still have a long way to go?

Whatever situation you’re in right now, we can all agree that saving up for a trip is a challenge in itself.

Dealing with monthly expenses while making a few sacrifices here and there, trying hit your target savings for the sake of traveling, is no easy task. And if you’re close to giving up on that European sojourn or Southeast Asian backpacking trip you’ve long been dreaming of, don’t. Perhaps, you just need a fresh approach to make saving up more compelling, fun even!

To get you started, here are seven money challenges that will help you feed your fund jar. Good luck!

1. The 52-Week Money Challenge

You’ve probably heard or read about this one before. A popular tried and tested scheme, the 52-week money challenge, eases you into the habit of growing your fund by saving in increments every week for a year.

Say you start with PHP10 on your first week. You’ll have to double it by your next (PHP20), then triple the amount you started with by your third week (PHP30), and so on. With a PHP10 increment, you would be able to save as much as PHP13,780 by the end of the challenge!

Here are a few sample templates to guide you:

PHP1 Weekly Increment

Andy Flores is a pathological penny pincher with impulse shopping and binge-eating tendencies. She’s constantly saving up for new adventures, so she dabbles in writing jobs here and there. Her not-so-secret dream is to be an extra in a big Bollywood movie.

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