Here Are This Year’s Most Instagrammed Cities

The Big Apple remains on top.
by | December 18, 2017

Now that we’re living in a world where everything should be documented and posted online, taking photos has become a reflex, more so when we travel. We love taking photos so much that according to Instagram’s year in review, one of the most popular hashtags of the year is #travelphotography.

With 800 million users geotagging the city, New York City proved to be the most photogenic this year. It’s no wonder that the Big Apple took the top spot, as the city is full of sights and attractions that are all gram worthy.

Below are the other cities included in this year’s list.

2. Moscow, Russia

Where to go: The Kremlin, Red Square, GUM

3. London, United Kingdom

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Where to go: The London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park

4. São Paulo, Brazil

Where to go: Sao Paulo Cathedral, Parque do Ibirapuera, Museu de Arte Contemporânea

5. Paris, France

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Where to go: The Louvre, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Avenue des Champs-Élysées

6. Los Angeles, California

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Where to go: Griffith Observatory, Venice Beach, Los Angeles County Museum of Art

7. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Where to go: The State Hermitage Museum, Peter Paul Fortress, Catherine Palace

8. Jakarta, Indonesia

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Where to go: The National Monument, Fatahillah Museum, Istiqlal Mosque

9. Istanbul, Turkey

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Where to go: Hagia Sophia, Basilica Cistern, Süleymaniye Mosque

10. Barcelona, Spain

Where to go: Sagrada Família, Casa Batlló, Park Güell


Which destination did you post most about this year?? Tell us about it in the comments below!


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