Singapore Now Has the Most Powerful Passport in the World

Singaporean passport holders have access to 192 destinations.
by | July 20, 2023

Wondering which country has the most access to travel destinations this year? For five years, Japan held the top global passport ranking. But based on the recently released Henley Passport Index Global Mobility Report, Japan has dropped to the third, and Southeast Asian country Singapore has moved to number one.


Access to 192 travel destinations

From ranking second in 2022, Singapore now offers the most powerful passport in the world, giving its holders access to 192 travel destinations visa-free, according to The Henley Passport Index.

Asian countries have led the top spots in recent years, with Japan ranking first since 2018. European countries maintain their position in the top list as well. Germany, Italy, and Spain share second and have access to 190 destinations.

The third spot goes to Austria, Finland, France, Japan, Luxembourg, South Korea, and Sweden, whose citizens can travel to 189 travel destinations.

This quarter, the United States ranks eighth.


Top 10 most powerful passports in the world

Here are the most powerful passports in the world, with the number of accesses:

  1. Singapore – 192
  2. Germany, Italy, Spain – 190
  3. Austria, Finland, France, Japan, Luxembourg, South Korea, Sweden – 189
  4. Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom – 188
  5. Belgium, Czech Republic, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland – 187
  6. Australia, Hungary, Poland – 186
  7. Canada and Greece – 185
  8. Lithuania and the United States – 184
  9. Latvia, Slovakia, and Slovenia – 183
  10. Estonia and Iceland – 182


What about the Philippines?

Based on the list, the Philippines is now ranked 74th, sharing the rank with Armenia and Cape Verde Islands. Citizens of these countries can travel visa-free to 66 different countries.

Last year, the Philippines was ranked 80th on the index. Despite the improvement in ranking, Filipino passport holders have not gained visa-free access to additional countries. In fact, back in 2022, they could travel to 67 countries without, which means their visa-free access has slightly decreased over the past year.


Global Passport Ranking

The Henley Passport Index by Henly & Partners is the only one of its kind. The index has historical data of 18 years, based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Authority (IATA). It includes 227 different travel destinations and 199 different passports.

It is updated quarterly.

Find the full list of the Global Passport Ranking here.


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When she’s not writing, Ina’s busy curating playlists that will save her when words don’t work, reading, annoying her cat, or thinking of her next meal.

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