Start Them Young: Backpacking Parents Bring 4-month-old Baby to the PH

Backpacking with an infant is possible!
by | May 29, 2015

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Here’s anĀ inspiring video for all parents who love to travel!

Joshua Morin and his wife backpacked in the Philippines for two and a half months with their baby and it looks like the family had a blast.

“We have travelled quite frequently in the past, but this time we brought along our 4 month bundle of joy. We were a little hesitant at first, but she turned out to be an expert traveller and ended up making it one of our best trips ever,” Morin wrote on his Vimeo page.

Watch Part I:


If they keep this pace, this kid–who Morin said loved jeepney rides at 4 months–will most probably have a childhood filled with a lot of adventures!

See more of Morin’s travel videos–one of which became a Vimeo Staff Pick–here.

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