Japan? It's Ja-fun.

It's been waiting for you! ♫

Taking the opportunity to save Mother Earth.

Alexa, play Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles.

It looks fun, but is it really?

Look who hopped in!

Is this a good idea?

So lovely, lovely, lovely.

Why not?

As of this writing, the US has over 826,000 confirmed cases and over 45,000 deaths — the highest in the world.

Time to be one with nature.

Why not from your window at home?

Who hasn't been in love with the galaxy at one point?

These countries have started easing some restrictions after some of them — though not all — have reported flattened curves.

Go places and meet new people

The difference is so stark.

Missed these treats? We gotcha!

You will, too.

Presenting some stunning visuals, both from your fave K-pop acts and their MV destinations.

Cue the uwus.

An empty Ayala Avenue looks peaceful.