Taiwan Wants to Literally Pay People to Visit – Here’s How

Is this too good to be true?
by | March 01, 2023

As countries around the world reopen their borders and welcome back tourists, Taiwan is taking it a step further in an effort to boost its economy. The Taiwanese government announced this week that they will be offering cash rewards of up to NT$5,000 ($165) to individual tourists and allowances of up to NT$20,000 ($658) to tour groups.

CNN reports that the government is hoping to double the number of tourists visiting Taiwan in 2024, and reach 10 million visitors by 2025. The money can be used to cover expenses such as accommodation, food, and other tourist activities on the island. They are also targeting key markets including Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, Europe, and America.

In October 2022, Taiwan lifted its entry restrictions after one of the longest border closures in the world. Taiwan saw nearly 900,000 inbound visitors in 2022, which is a fraction of the 11.8 million that visited the island in 2019 before border closures began.

While this is great news for travelers, the Taiwanese government has yet to announce when the cash reward scheme will start or how to apply for it. In the meantime, those looking to book their trip are advised to hold fire until further details have been released.

For now, Taiwan remains an exciting destination for any traveler looking to explore a new culture and immerse themselves in the beauty of its landscapes. With the possibility to receive extra cash rewards, there’s never been a better time to explore Taiwan.


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