Photos: The Otherwordly Salar De Uyuni in Bolivia

Explore the land of white crystal.
by | February 16, 2017

Salar De Uyuni in southwest Bolivia is home to the world’s largest expanse of salt flats. Somewhere in the Andes is another world, or the end of the world. It’s a flat land of intricate salt paths, reflecting the sizzling sun through its shallow pools of salt water. It’s a desert of white crystal. If you run or drive or cycle, you won’t feel you are getting anywhere. You’ll be in a dream sequence with no end or a virtual reality treadmill but with all the senses and sounds.

What these Salt Flats allow is for some creativity to be had. Due to the terrain being so flat, you can create illusions that allow size not to matter. The smallest object can be matched with something larger. If you don’t know what we mean by that, not to worry, we’ve got the images show you:

It really does look like the end of the world

Open road

Where giants roam

And dinosaurs lurk.

Anyone hungry?

But really, most of the time, no one else is here.

Just you at the end of the world.

Tommy Walker originates from Northeast England. He began his journey on the road back in 2012 throughout Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Now, over 4 years in, he is a freelance travel writer and content marketing specialist. Tommy has visited the Philippines twice and especially raves about Banaue. He has attended Sinulog festival, swum with Whalesharks and even DJ’d in Boracay! He was featured in the Business Insider, BBC and Choose Philippines. Tommy goes by his own motto “every new place is a good place.” If you don’t see Tommy focused doing Hot Yoga, trailing through rainforests, ducking into the ocean or eating local street food, you’ll see him at a small bar drinking what the locals drink!

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