Top 5 Safaris You Should Visit in India

There's more to India than eat, pray and love!
by | March 20, 2019

We Filipinos have forever linked the word “safari” to Africa, but in my opinion it’s India that brings the most colorful safari trips of all! Here you get everything — a beautiful landscape, animals in the raw, and a biodiversity that’s so overwhelming it’s impossible to name everything that you see! To get you started, here are five of the best safaris I’ve gone on in India, and what each of them holds:


Located in the eastern district of Madhya Pradesh, this 450 square kilometer National Park is famous for its sightings of the elusive Royal Bengal Tiger! Most people who go to safaris have these tigers as their sole goal, and if you visit Bandhavgarh anytime from April to June then there’s a much higher chance of sighting one. It’s not your typical Avilon Zoo-level tiger — the creatures here are pulsing with a rawness that can only come from seeing them in their natural habitat. Aside from tigers, Bandhavgarh is also known for its rich flora and fauna — just counting the birds, you’d find around 250 species here!


Located in the southern part of Madhya Pradesh, Pench is also famous for its tiger spotting opportunities — so much that a BBC crew found it the best place where they can document the behavior of these regal cats. Aside from the tigers, Pench boasts off almost 40 species of mammals, including such colorful creatures as rhesus macaques, langurs, and wolves. There are also bison and deer herds that are a sight to see!

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