Traveling to Yogyakarta? Here are the Best Activities to Include in Your Itinerary

There's more to Indonesia than just Jakarta.
by | February 04, 2019

One way to start the day in Yogyakarta is by greeting the majestic sunrise at Borobudur Temple. As early as 4:00 am, people excitedly start trekking the 148 steps to the top of the temple to catch the breathtaking view of the morning sun peeking over the mountains. Borobudur is the world’s largest Buddhist temple and it is said to follow the traditional Javanese Buddhist architecture with relief panels and ancient Buddha statues within the temple. Admission to the temple costs IDR 475,000 (adults) and IDR 250,000 (children) for foreigners.


Hop on an andong and go on a village tour


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