Sanity Savers for Traveling with Your Family

It will be fiiine!
by | October 01, 2015


Traveling with family is a great way to bond and unwind. It offers everyone the opportunity to get to know each other in a new light while also exploring new, exciting places. However, a trip with family can quickly turn awry if not enough preparations are made. Here are a few sanity savers for when you go out of town with your kin.

Plan ahead

Planning ahead will help you save time, money, and effort. Doing so will also protect you from potential headaches and heartaches. If you wish to travel with your family, it’s best to gather everyone’s input during the planning process before finalizing details. This will give everyone a clear idea of what to expect.

Document reservations

Aside from developing the itinerary together, it’s best to make all reservations in advance and keep records of them. Doing so will fool-proof this aspect of your trip and safeguard you from accommodation/ reservation problems that may arise.

Keep busy

When making the long trip to your destination, make sure to have activities for everyone to keep boredom at bay. Even waiting time during traveling can be an entertaining experience. Books, magazines, e-readers, and tablets can come in handy. When traveling with children, coloring books and educational toys can be helpful.

Pack sensibly

Aside from bringing the essentials, make sure to have emergency items (extra cash, clothes, phone chargers) when you go on a trip with your family. If anyone in your family has a medical condition, don’t forget to stock up on the needed medication. It would also be helpful to bring a first aid kit.

Got tips? Post them in the comments!

Donna Lopez Manio is a twenty-something mother to a beautiful little girl with an overactive imagination. When she is not documenting her daughter's stories and punchlines, she also writes stories for publications in Singapore, New York and Stockholm. Most of her work is about Filipino arts and culture, which she considers very close to her heart. Outside of work and motherhood, Donna pursues graduate studies at De La Salle University Manila. also, whenever she finds time, she moonlights as a spandex-wearing, crime-fighting cat at night.

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