Undiscovered IG worthy Places in Asia

Keep memories, but also remember to keep safe.
by | July 25, 2019

We all want that perfect IG feed that either involves food or travel. There are a lot of IG worthy places around Asia, but if you’re looking for undiscovered places to take your perfect Instagram post or story, then this list is for you!

Here are undiscovered IG places around Asia:

Kuang Si Falls

Located in the south of Luang Prabang in Laos, Kuang Si has three leveled waterfalls. The series of waterfalls flow into pools—some suggest that it is better to go to the biggest part of the falls first before going to the smaller parts. It’s also not that long of a hike to reach the falls: it only takes 15 minutes to reach the main part of Kuang Si.


Royal Palace Penh 

The royal palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia serves as the royal residence of the king of Cambodia. Standing since 1866, the palace is one of the must-see places in the city. The Silver Pagoda part of the palace is open to the public and is the perfect place to take pictures of its architectural structure.

Kuthodaw Pagoda and the World’s Largest Book

The Kuthodaw Pagoda located in Myanmar was built in 1857, the pagoda is surrounded by 729 shrines that each contain a slab that contains a Burmese script. Together all 729 shrines are called the world’s largest book, each slab representing a books page. The Kuthodaw Palace is a must-see place for anyone who wants to take pictures of a place with a rich history.


Cu Chi Tunnels

The Cu Chi tunnels are a network of connecting tunnels that were used for military campaigns during the Vietnam War. Now it is one of Ho Chi Minh’s most iconic attractions; tourists are allowed to enter the safe parts of the tunnel. The government installed an emergency exit point at every 10 meter part of the tunnel as safety precautions.


Knuckles Mountain Range

Since hiking is one of the trends in Instagram these days, Knuckles mountain range is a perfect spot for those daredevil shots. Knuckles is surrounded by 34 mountains and cascading waterfalls . The Mini worlds end is a 1,192-meter cliff that offers amazing views of the mountains. Just remember to keep safe.


Do you know of more undiscovered IG worthy places in Asia? Tell us below!

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