Solo Adventure Hacks: Apps for Traveling Alone

To stay safe and prepared? There’s an app for that.
by | September 08, 2016

An escapade doesn’t necessarily mean disconnecting from your phone. Those looking to travel could find these apps very handy for safety and timeliness when they travel alone.

Install and master the use of these apps for your next adventure.

XE Currency



A jet setter should always know the current currency rates of whichever country he’s headed next. Having an app like the XE Currency makes currency conversion a breeze especially when you’re out for shopping.

World Clock


It’s a good habit to keep track of time anywhere, especially to travel junkies whose time zone changes from time to time—that’s where the Perfect World Clock comes in handy.




Traversing different cities in a country will require you to book a lot of accommodations, and what better way to make this process easier than through Airbnb? For a frequent traveler it’s really the best thing since sliced bread.


Google Maps


There’s a charm behind getting lost in a foreign city, but having a backup plan is something a smart (and often safe) wanderer always has up his sleeve. Google Maps is probably the handiest and most versatile map navigator one could use with its routes and distance functions.





You’ll always want the best bang for your buck for every restaurant or the entrance fees to the sights that you spend your money on. That’s where TripAdvisor comes in handy. Its an endless listing of establishments all over the world backed with credible reviews based from real traveler experience that  allows you to trim your options wisely.


Google Translate Bilingual


Avoid the nightmare of the language barrier with Google Translate’s bilingual conversation. This version allows both sides to have a real-time conversation using two different languages—it’s the best of both worlds.




It’s wise to know the forecast, especially for cloudiness and rainfall, in advance so you’re prepared for every possibility before you even set foot in a foreign country.


Pack Point


Scrap the paper and pencil, it’s much more convenient if you have an app that will remind you of the things that you need for your next adventure. It’s a real pain, and quite frustrating, when you only suddenly remember forgetting one item when you’re already on the plane.


What other apps do you find useful when traveling? Share them below!

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