Visa-Free Destinations in the Caribbean for Pinoys

No visa? No problem!
by | August 12, 2019

via St. Lucia Tourism

Visa: Issued upon arrival

Maximum days of stay: 42 days

Perfect for thrill-seeking adventurers, St. Lucia boasts of highland trails, reef-diving sites, coastal coves, and volcanic beaches. Climb the iconic Pitons, the two volcanic summits tagged as UNESCO Heritage Sites. Drive to the Sulphur Springs and peer down the collapsed crater that ooze temperatures that almost reach 200 degrees Celsius. But you can also take a step back and relax for an afternoon at the fishing villages. Or just enjoy the scenic views at the luxury resort of your choice.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Meryl finds joy in music, movies, museums, and making her way around the world.

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