7 Places to Visit in Tawi-Tawi

The Mindanao province is quickly becoming a favorite option for travelers in search of a place teeming with cultural wonders and unforgettable sights.
by | October 10, 2017

Tawi-Tawi’s sacred mountain of Bud Bongao is only 1,100 feet above sea level, but it holds a taller significance to the history, culture and religion in the province. Some even believe that one of the followers of Karim ul-Makhdum — the Arab preacher who first brought Islam to the country more than 600 years ago — was buried here. Today, Bud Bongao remains much revered by the locals. It’s also a biodiversity area that spans 250 hectares, protected by both the local government of Bongao and the hundreds of playful long-tailed macaques who hang out along the trail to the top.

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Old Chinese Port

Marky Ramone Go is a travel-junkie, writer and photographer based in the Philippines. Aside from contributing articles to various publications and websites, he narrates his experiences wandering the tropical paradise of the Philippines, the culturally rich regions of South East Asia, Sri Lanka and India on his travel blog Nomadic Experiences. After Asia, he is keen on exploring South America and eventually hoping to trace Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" trail in the United States to Mexico.

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